The Hellenic Financial Literacy Institute will be supporting Greece’s collective endeavors in this year’s Global Money Week, to reach our children and youth with a special purpose; to instill important values with regards to all aspects of responsible money management.

We are proud to be part of this annual financial awareness campaign, highlighting the importance of teaching children and the youth about financial literacy.

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Ινστιτούτο Χρηματοοικονομικού Αλφαβητισμού - Επιστημονικό Συμβούλιο

Georgios Panos

Professor of Finance Adam Smith Business School

University of Glasgow

On February 12, 2020, Forbes magazine published a list of the 50 most innovative financial technology companies (FinTech). Reading the list of US companies / applications shows the particularly interesting observation that at least 12 of the 50 most innovative Fintech companies operate exclusively in the field of personal finance.

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Ελευθέριος Νικολάου - Πώς διαχειριζόμαστε τα οικονομικά μας στην εποχή του κορωνοϊού

The month of April is internationally recognized as the Financial Literacy Month, with more and more countries adopting this practice, establishing programs and organizing activities to enhance financial knowledge and skills, both for children and adolescents and teenagers. On the occasion of the beginning of this month, actions and initiatives are taken which are extended throughout the year, in television and radio stations, in the daily and periodical press, especially through schools, community groups and citizens’ associations and, of course, through the Internet.

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